Consulting and feasibility study

Sang baad Bahman Shargh is capable of representing below services of renewable energy plants in the field of consulting and feasibility:

Consulting and feasibility study

  • Choosing a site for constructing wind and solar plants
  • Capacity measurement using field and library data
  • Exceptions and access paths analysis
  • Announcing the appropriate area for constructing the site
  • Obtaining the feasibility study permit to issue an initial accord of construction
  • Feasibility study and providing the needful reports

Completion of the required documents to contract renewable guaranteed electricity purchase agreement

  • Completion of worksheets and requested documents of desiring power plants construction and following up the related approvals
  • Completion of assessment forms and resolving technical, executive and financial deficiencies
  • Obtaining plant construction permit
  • Acquiring grid connection permit, environment permission, and land delivery permit from related authorities for all types of power plants
  • Following and obtaining the confirmations from banks and financial institutions for the total or partial project finance
  • Setting the power plants construction and operation schedule

Locating the site and equipment power plant; and arranging the technical report of the power plant operation

  • Anemometer data and solar radiation analysis of the power plant
  • Determining the wind turbine class or kind of the solar panel appropriate to the features of the site
  • Providing the power plant generation table appropriate to technical specifications of the equipment and the power plant constructed site
  • Determining the total capacity factor of the site by deducting losses and uncertainties

Performing economic studies and presenting the final report

  • Investigating the price of the power plants equipment
  • Investigating equipment maintenance costs and depreciation rates
  • Investigating engineering consultancy and site monitor costs
  • Investigating all pre-operational costs, including the cost of grid connection, costs natural resources, environment, etc.
  • Determining sales electricity price according to the site location and the grid connection design of the power plant
  • Determining tax and customs exemptions for sales of electricity and purchasing ingredients
  • Determining the income portfolio and optimizing the financing method in proportion to the total resources and project costs